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membership information

The Yacht Club in Chestermere is considered the premier sailing facility on the prairies. The Club boasts an active membership, lively social events, expansive grounds, top-notch facilities, and comprehensive sailing programs that range from learning to sail and learning to race to water safety. Membership is open to everyone and provides unlimited access to the lake and amenities of the Club in support of the sport of sailing. 

Membership Types

Full Member: To become a Full Member, an applicant must be actively participating or involved in the Club in support of the sport of sailing; and either:

  • be a single adult; or 
  • be a family, which includes a spouse or partner, and children under the age of 18 years old who are dependent on their parents and who live with them; or 
  • be an approved adult student registered as a full-time student in a post-secondary institution at the time of their application or renewal.

Social MemberTo become a Social Member, an applicant must be a single adult or be a family, which includes a spouse or partner, and children under the age of 18 years old who are dependent on their parents and who live with them. 

Junior Member: To become a Junior Member, an individual must: be under the age of 18 years at the start of a membership year and not be covered by a family membership. 

Crew Member: To become a Crew Member, an individual must be a single adult and have the intentions to sail with a full member.

2024 - 2025 Membership Fees and Rights

(Excludes GST and $30 ASA/Sail Canada fee per sailor)

 Membership Type  Annual Fees  Property Surcharge Optional Trailer Parking Optional Dolly Parking  Work Bond  Equipment Rental   Boat Launch Vote  Hold Board Position  Key Access  Guest Privileges 
Full Member                      
 Family  $644 $50  $360  $125 20 hours OR $350  
 Single  $442 $50 $360  $125 10 hours OR $175    
Student  $161N/A  $180 $62.50 10 hours OR $175    
Associate Member                      
 Social  $389 $50 N/A N/A 10 hours OR $175
 Junior  $161 N/A  $180 $62.50 10 hours OR $175
 Crew  $188N/A N/A N/A N/A

Benefits of Membership

Clubhouse and Facility Use

Members are welcome to enjoy the Clubhouse and facilities at their leisure. Membership rights are subject to any conditions specified in the Club's bylaws and described in the Club Rules so be sure to review these often. We encourage all members and guests to review the Sharing the Facilities guidelines. 


Membership Discounts

Full Members receive discounts on services and offerings at the Calgary Yacht Club. This includes:

  • 10% off sailing courses
  • 10% off private lessons
  • 20% off facility bookings
  • 20% off merchandise


The Club has space for you to store your sailboat. Costs for annual boat storage range from: 

  • $125.00 for a boat on a dolly such as a Laser, Byte or Optimist. These dollies can launch boats by hand. 
  • $360.00 for a single vehicle-accessible trailer parking spot. These trailers require a vehicle to launch boats and, therefore, take up much more room than the dolly spots
  • $50/month for winter storage of trailered boats to the general public from October to May. 

Costs are subject to GST.

Reciprocal Privileges 

An individual from another sailing club or organization may be granted temporary membership privileges if:

  • the individual is a member of a club or organization recognized by an international, national, regional, provincial, or state organizing body for sailing; and
  • the club or organization of which the applicant is a member has a reciprocal provision that would allow full members of the Calgary Yacht Club to access privileges in the applicant’s club or organization.
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